Friday, February 12, 2016

Tasting - Vicar La Lejania Chardonnay

Name: Vicar La Lejania
Variety: Chardonnay
Region: Central Valley (Maule Valley)
Country: Chile
Year: 2015
Price: Regular-$10 Sale-$6.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: 

My Review: I'll be honest here, when I tasted this my mind automatically thought "haven't I tasted this before?" The nose was like freshly cleaned plastic, pineapple, and pear, light and clean. It smelled just like La Lejania's Sauvignon Blanc. Which is interesting, because it's a completely different variety, it just happened to come from the same wine-maker. So I learned something there: the techniques used to make these wines sometimes show more similarity than just the grape variety. The taste was sweet, light, and fruity with an almost chemically sour-tangy aftertaste. Not my favorite and I really don't think it's all too special, but I don't hate it at all (I don't think I've found a wine I've "hated" yet though).

I tasted this wine at Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

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