Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Stay At Home Wine Dinner Experience

Hello Friends!

On February 27 a few friends and I decided to host our own wine dinner. We each thought it would be a fun idea to all pitch in one wine and a cheese or dinner dish. There were four different wines that we decided to try. After reading a bit about the differences between oaked and unoaked Chardonnay, we wanted to give the comparison a try. We also wanted to see how great of a difference there is between a dry and sweet Riesling. We tried all of these wines with and without different types of food and found some interesting results!

Our Food Pairings:
French Camembert Cheese

Parmesan Cheese

Chicken Pot Pie

Now onto the tastings!

Wine 1
Name: Dark Horse
Variety: Chardonnay (oaked)
Region: California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $9.95

- Without food: This wine has a very strong scent, a little hot even (it has 13.5% alcohol content) with scents of oak, what seemed to me like spicy brown sugared pears-the caramelized kinds that melt in your mouth if you know what I mean. Upon tasting this wine, I got high acidity, a heavy mouthfeel, oak, butter, nutmeg and cinnamon, and some other type of hotter spice. This was very complex and by far my favorite wine of the night! I am one of those people who really enjoy the buttery creamy oak taste! It's all about what the drinker desires!
-With French Camembert: Very interesting, I thought the milky, smooth consistency really paired well with this cheese and brought out a lot of great smooth texture to the wine and calmed down the acidity a bit!
- With Parmesan: This really enhanced the flavors more than the texture and though it also paired very well with the Chardonnay. It was a great choice and brought a great mix of flavors. It wasn't really something I could explain, but the flavors seemed to go together well.
- With Chicken Pot Pie: This perplexed me a bit, but I honestly thought the wine enhanced the chicken pot pie more than the chicken pot pie enhanced the wine. I thought the way the chicken soaked in the wine was great and the way it made the flaky crust seem almost more buttery was cool to experience.

Wine 2
Name: Breaux Vineyards Madeleine's
Variety: Chardonnay (unoaked; stainless steel barrels)
Region: Northern Virginia
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $19

- Without Food: This wine was a lot lighter than the last time, and although it was a bit more tight with the aroma, you could tell the wine had a lot more light and clean fruitiness to it, almost like a Sauvignon Blanc than a Chardonnay. It had a nose of clean ripe pear, but also smelled a bit hot like the previous Chardonnay. This one actually had more alcohol content than the previous one, at 14% alcohol content. Upon tasting this wine, I could actually find a solid fruit taste that was sharp, like a grapefruit and the taste itself paired well with that flavor by being really acidic.
- With French Camembert: Honestly, this cheese did nothing for the wine. It was pretty disjointed and I couldn't tell that there were any enhancements at all, except maybe a decrease in the amount of heat that came through.
- With Parmesan: Unfortunately, this may have been an altogether bad combination. I felt like the parmesan got stepped on by the wine and crumbled it up and erased any taste that was there. I'm not sure it did anything to help. It made it more dry if anything.
- With Chicken Pot Pie: I seriously tried to hard to make this work. I didn't get anything out of it, really. This frustrates me to my core. I'm not sure if I'm just not "getting" how I'm supposed to find enhancements in the wine with these pairings or if it's just the pairings themselves. I'm just being honest here.

Wine 3
Name: Dry Dr. Loosen Bros
Variety: Riesling
Region: Mosul
Country: Germany
Year: 2014
Price: $9.99

- Without Food: A very interesting smell. It had a bit of a chlorinated pool smell to it, in my opinion, with a hint of lemon-lime (like a Sprite or 7-Up) and a mix of floral aromas in between. Not sure if interesting is good or bad, but I thought it was pretty cool. The feel of this wine was a little dry, but light and sweeter than I expected. Upon tasting this wine, I got notes of grapefruit and lime and then the most specific aftertaste I think I've ever described about a wine before. It was specifically a department store dressing room. Not a nice departments store either. Those cheap ones with the carpet and squeaky doors. The aftertaste somehow reminded me of that smell and/or experience. So crazy. The rest of the table thought I was crazy too. I'm really not trying to be a wine snob, that's just what I got!
- With French Camembert: This is again a bit opposite, but I thought the wine brought out flavors of the cheese and not vice versa. I thought this wine in particular brought out a sharpness in the cheese that wasn't quite there before.
- With Parmesan: Thank you, Parmesan. You went pretty well with this one. You actually took away that weird department store aftertaste and the cheese is what lingered instead.
- With Chicken Pot Pie: I thought it was okay with this. There wasn't anything too specific I could bring out of it, but thought that it also took away that aftertaste and made the wine itself more enjoyable.

Wine 4
Name: Dr. Loosen Bros
Variety: Riesling
Region: Mosul
Country: Germany
Year: 2014
Price: $9.99

- Without Food: Smells like possibly subtle tropical fruit, but honestly there wasn't much of anything else as far as smells went. I have never had a Riesling that wasn't considered "dry" before (and I honestly think dry Rieslings aren't that try), so I was wondering how sweet this would actually be. And it was. VERY sweet. This is clearly a dessert wine and was delicious as one. It tasted like white grape juice with a little bit more character. I thought Rieslings were acidic, but this one was not at all and reminded me of a White Zinfindel if anything!
- With French Camembert: Super disjointed and doesn't go together well at all and doesn't alter the taste of the wine any. It simply overpowered the cheese.
- With Parmesan: Same as above.
- With Chicken Pot Pie: Same as above, however, I did enjoy sipping this in between bites for some reason. It broke up the heavy carby feel, even though it didn't "complement" it at all.

Wine Selfie! Cheese!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Tasting - Crane Lake White Zinfandel

Name: Crane Lake
Variety: White Zinfandel
Region: California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Light pink wine with floral and tropical aromas: flavors of strawberry, peach, and raspberry with a touch of sweetness. This wine is an easy sipping wine that also pairs well with a wide variety of foods ranging from crab cakes or pate to spicy Asian dishes, glazed ham, and grilled sea bass." - Vintage Cellar

My review: When I came in and saw a third Crane Lake wine, I was hesitant. The first one I had from them wasn't great, and that monstrosity of a beer wine last week was, well read the rant below, plain terrible. But when I found out this was a white zinfandel I figured Crane Lake couldn't lead me too far astray. It's dessert in a bottle and if you mess up straight sugar, then you've got some real deep thinking to do with your wine business (just kidding, my opinion actually means nothing). Anyways. The aromas were good. Nothing super specific that jumped at me but I definitely got hints of strawberry and cool whip. Like a strawberry shortcake! Yum. Upon tasting the wine, it was what I expected from a white zinfandel. Sweet, sweet, sweet dessert. And heavy, like corn syrup. Not what most people would want from dinner, but from a girl with a sweet tooth, I'd say it would be awesome on its own as a dessert wine!

This wine was tasted at Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Vina Galana Alicante Bouchet

Name: Vina Galana
Variety: Alicante Bouchet (Garnacha Tintorera)
Region: La Mancha
Country: Spain
Year: 2012
Price: Regular-$15 Sale-$9.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "From the rare Alicante Bouchet, one of the few grapes in the world with red flesh, this wine has a plush texture carrying flavors on brandied cherry and chocolate ganache in the round red. Light tannins and gentle acidity impart a lovely, balanced structure." - Vintage Cellar

My review: Wow. That smells like straight alcohol. Like vodka. I wasn't even sure I wanted to put this in my mouth because I wasn't sure it was wine. Okay, I'll give it something, it was like a flavored vodka-raspberry or something. Nevertheless, I wouldn't just not try it. Thankfully it didn't have a straight vodka taste. But it was semi chemical-like with a cranberry taste hiding in the background. Too much for me. I probably wouldn't purchase this at all, but that's just my opinion. Too hot, hot, hot!

I tasted this wine at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food. 

Tasting - Tonnino Syrah

Name: Tonnino
Variety: Syrah
Region: Sicily
Country: Italy
Year: 2013
Price: Regular-$14.00 Sale-$7.95

Shop/wine shop/winery review: "An intense red color. Aromas of violet and blackcurrant enriched by hints of licorice and black pepper. In the mouth, it is full, round, slightly tannic and with a spicy note on the finish." - Vintage Cellar

My review: This falls under that "butter, copper, and cherries" category for me. It's a distinct smell that I've been getting from a lot of wines that use black currant as their descriptor. I feel like I should really pick up black currant to see what that actually smells like! It's not a bad or a good smell for me, but it is pretty distinct in a lot of red wines such as this Syrah. Underlying this smell was a sweet mixed berry smell as well, which was pleasant enough. Upon tasting this wine I experienced its high tannins-it was pretty dry, actually. The flavors that came through for me were pencil shaving and an intense earthiness. That sounds bad, but it actually had a cool complexity to it that would probably be great with certain foods. I wouldn't really want it again by itself, but would love some meat with it!

This was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Riebeek Cellars Viognier

Name: Riebeek Cellars Collection
Variety: Viognier
Region: Swartland
Country: South Africa
Year: 2015
Price: Regular-$12.00 Sale-$7.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "This is a luscious viogner, featuring a deep yellow color, that explodes with juicy peach and honeysuckle flavors. Viognier can easily become flabby, but this one manages to keep its figure within bounds. I recommend this for immediate, lip-smacking enjoyment." - Washington Post

My review: The aromas I got from this were amazing! It was something that wasn't just...fruit for once. It reminded me of being near a babbling brook or a creek running over fresh pebbles or something. It actually took me somewhere, and I thought that was really cool. I'm not sure if creek water, grass, and stones are something to strive for in a beverage, but the distinct characteristic was interesting at least. Upon tasting the wine I thankfully didn't feel like I was consuming creek water or stones, it was actually more peachy, but nothing too distinct. Very subtle peach. It wasn't very acidic at all, which may have been nice, but I really did enjoy this one!

This tasting was made at Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Dom Michel Thomas Sancerre Rose

Name: Dom Michel Thomas
Variety: Sancerre Rose
Region: Loire Valley
Country: France
Year: 2013
Price: Regular-$32.00 Sale-$8.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Bright orange-pink. Lively, mineral-tinged aromas of fresh red berries, orange peel, and honeysuckle, with a hint of anise building in the glass. Dry and nervy in the mouth, offering vibrant strawberry and orange pith flavors and a suggestion of rose pastille. The floral element comes back on the finish, which lingers with very good spicy persistence." - Vintage Cellar

My review: I agree with the review that the fruity aroma that I got from this wine was very citrussy like oranges or orange peel with a bit of pineapple. I also caught fresh floral notes as well. The taste of this wine was dry and light, but had a sharp acidity and gave a bitter sour apple candy after taste. I know that's not something a lot of people might enjoy, but I liked it and thought it kind of reminded me of those sour warheads you get as a kid, but a little less intense. Side note, the color of this wine is beautiful! I though it had an interesting structure and would love to try it again for the sale price.

I tasted this wine at Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Tasting - Crane Lake Gewurtztraminer

Name: Crane Lake
Variety: Gewurtztraminer
Region: Orange County, California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Slightly high-toned notions of rose petal mingle with lemon on nose and palate of this lightly sweet, richly textured yet balanced gewurtraminer. This is not as heady as you may expect and will be a treat with spicy Asian dishes. Lychee and rose petal make another very fetching appearance on the finish." Vintage Cellar

My Review: I apologize in advance that this review may be longer than my usual short reviews. I was interested in this wine when coming to the tasting in particular because I had remembered reading about it in Kevin Zraly's Windows on the World Complete Wine Course textbook and thinking it sounded interesting. It was supposed to be a very different kind of wine with an emphasis on being spicy with some people really loving this unique wine and other not as much. I wondered what category I would fall under, and of course the bottle and color of the wine weren't really indicating anything as far as my preference so far. "You're going to love this!" one of my friends, Grace, said as she turned to my other friend Michaela. Now, reader, Michaela is really working her way into liking wine and she's doing a pretty great job at it, I'd say, coming from hating all of it to having a few here and there she really enjoys. So Grace was either hinting at the fact that this wine was something spectacular or that is tasted like something Michaela actually does love: beer. Want to guess which one it was? (Answer: The latter.) I grimaced because, to be honest, I'm not a huge beer fan. I hate to be "that girl" who loves wine and hates beer, but I just can't stand the intense flavor of hops (which is why I'm classy enough to drink a nice wine, but also appreciate cheap American beer for what it is, because it's practically carbonated water-but I digress...). I grimaced, swirled, and stuck my nose into the glass. There is was. Beer smell. Like those nice beers you find at craft beer fairs, the ones that make my stomach turn inside out a little bit. Not to mention the floral bits. And the bits that smell like a grandma's old couch that hasn't been sat on in 10 years. And that was just the smell. I really wanted to just set it down and stop there, but as I have learned over the past few weeks, you can't always judge how the wine tastes by how it smells, no matter how many people tell you otherwise: the smell might help with tasting as a sense, but that does not mean that the flavors will match the smell. If there's one thing I've learned outside the books, it's that. So I picked up the glass and tasted it. A very, very sweet taste hit my tongue and for about 2 seconds I thought I might like it. Then I realized there was no acidity at all and that sweet taste was almost like rotting fruit (maybe that's what that lychee stuff is). The sweet taste was quickly accompanied by a terrible spicy and hoppy taste. It was also light. So to me, an accurate description on the taste of this wine would be "a very flat and spicy hoppy beer." Ew. Now it's time for me to admit it, and it took me a while, but I can finally say it: I found a wine that I hate. It's trying too hard to be beer. Not quite an IPA, but pretty close, and also no carbonation to mask the nasty.
By the way, Michaela didn't like it and Grace did, so I find that interesting. Will not purchase. Will not try again. Food can't even help this. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. I think I've made myself pretty clear.

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Codirosso Chianti

Name: Cordirosso Chianti
Variety: Sangiovese
Region: Tuscany
Country: Italy
Year: 2014
Price: Regular-$13 Sale-7.95

Wine critic/wine shop/winery review: "Ruby red color with purple reflections. Intense vinous bouquet with hints of violets and dark cherry fruit. The flavor is full of ripe fruit and a hint of spice. It is well balanced and dry. The finish is persistent and satisfying." Vintage Cellar

My Review: This wine had a bit of a similar aroma to the Indwe Pinotage, with some slight differences. I'm sure if they were placed next to each other and I was smelling between them then there would be more of a significant difference, but the subtleties were in that buttery creamy smell, which in this wine was a bit more specifically like blueberry pie in my opinion, and that copper smell in this wine held more a rubbing alcohol type of harshness to it, which makes for quite an interesting mix of aromas. Not sure if they balanced each other out or not. It wasn't terrible, but I'm leaning toward a no for complementing each other. The taste of this wine was slightly dry, but very vegetal. With an emphasis on summer vegetables. No, let's go further, more like green beans. It was definitely straight green beans to me. I think that's something I would just have to get used to and it may be great with certain dishes, but I doubt I'd ever want this wine by itself again. It was quite a flavor journey, though, so I will give it a 10 on complexity! Funny how different my review is from the experts, but it's what I experienced. See blog subtitle above ;)

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Indwe Pinotage

Name: Indwe
Variety: Pinotage
Region: Coastal Western Cape
Country: South Africa
Year: 2013
Price: Regular-$12 Sale-$5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "A disclaimer: I have never cared much for Pinotage, the indigenous South African grape variety, but this 2013 Pinotage from Indwe, named after the country's national bird, the blue crane, comes across like a light Pinot Noir. Subtle notes of cherries, spice, and forest floor are followed by a round, light to medium-bodied, pure, seductive, well-crafted wine. Drink now- 2016." Robert Parker

My Review: The aroma of this wine was butter and heavy cream with subtle cherries, grapes, and a tad bit of a metallic copper smell. The taste of the wine was very (but not extremely) dry and held flavors of plums, burnt matches, and dirt. Let's just say the aroma was better than the flavor-I'm not a fan of dirt in my mouth. A bit disappointed, but I would't mind trying this wine again with different food parings to see if they work well with some certain foods. Maybe something like burgers or grilled chicken?

I tasted this wine at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Palacio de Bornos Verdejo

Name: Palacio de Bornos
Variety: Verdejo
Region: Rueda
Country: Spain
Year: 2013
Price: Regular-$12 Sale-$5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Zesty and clean, with pure grapefruit and passion fruit aromas. It's charged up but perfectly balanced, with bright, focused citrus and pineapple flavors. Lemony acidity keeps the finish rolling, then throw in some chive and fresh greens and you have a spot-on Verdejo. 89 Points." Wine Enthusiast

My Review: The aromas that I gathered were very light and floral, like the blooming part of a fruit garden-not the fruits themselves. Upon tasting this wine the mouthfeel was again medium and a little dry, but not too much. The texture was great and there was a grapefruit flavor while still touching the tongue. I would have really liked this wine if it were not for the aftertaste. There was something so off about it and I really couldn't place the taste of it, finally settling on something like stinky feet or some kind of funk. Maybe that was the chive that was described in the previous review. I don't know, really, but it was a small thing that turned me off from purchasing the wine.

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Tonnino Grillo

Name: Tonnino
Variety: Grillo
Region: Sicily
Country: Italy
Year: 2014
Price: Regular-$14 Sale-$7.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Fruit-forward and tangy, this light-bodied, snappy white offers flavors of guava, apricot, candied grapefruit zest, and stone. Drink now. 20,000 cases made." Wine Spectator

My review: This wine had a nose of a fruity, fresh crisp apple and maybe pears-definitely heavy apple, though. A very simple wine, but probably my favorite out of the five that I tried during this particular tasting. It had a medium body and was quite acidic and kept the apple taste all the way through. Not bad at all and would be great on a warm spring day, but probably wouldn't run out to go buy it or anything.

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Tasting - Peter Mertes Platinum Riesling

Name: Peter Mertes Platinum
Variety: Riesling
Region: Rheinhessen
Country: Germany
Year: 2014
Price: Regular-$18 Sale-$9.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Crafted in the well-respected Rheinhessen region of Germany, this quality Riesling is crisp, clean, and easy drinking. Floral and fruit aromas suggest sweet melon and honey with enough acidity to ensure a beautifully balanced and versatile wine."

My Review: Let me begin the review by saying that I love the shape of the German Riesling bottles! They are so very interesting! To be honest, though. There wasn't much of an aroma to the wine. It was fresh and crisp smelling I suppose, like the review says, but there wasn't anything layered or extra ordinary about the aroma. The taste of this wine was pretty good, though! The amount of acidity in the wine made it feel almost sparkling and bubbly like a champagne which I thought was interesting. It was very sweet and light and would make a great table wine, which is probably why I liked it alone without food.

This tasting was made at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Crane Lake Petite Sirah

Name: Crane Lake
Variety: Petite Sirah
Region: Lodi, California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: $5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Prepare to be overwhelmed, there's nothing 'petite' about this wine from the inky dark color to the bouquet loaded with tons of blackberry fruit and a hint of exotic spice; it fills your mouth with jammy fruit balanced by velvety soft tannins. Perfect for your next big party." - Empirewine

My Review: Wow. The amount of spice that hits the nose is incredible! And not just a peppery spice either. The previous review is right that it's more of an "exotic" spice. But what overwhelms the spice is something like a plum...or maybe even a prune smell. A very different type of berry. Upon tasting the Petite Sirah, the tannins really hit hard. It actually stuck with me for a good hour after the tasting, mind you. Very very tannic and dry-not sure why the review above called tannins "soft" or "velvety"-tannins don't do that to me. It may have needed some time to sit out, to be honest. I really think this would have been a great wine with cheese, though. By itself I wouldn't try it again, but with food? Most definitely would have helped.

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - El Cortijillo Tempranillo

Name: El Cortijillo
Variety: Tempranillo
Region: La Mancha
Country: Spain
Year: 2014
Price: Regular-$9 Sale-$5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Up front aromas of raspberry and cherry fruit, medium to light weight, Rhone wine in character, cherry fruit flavors, followed by bright acidity. Reminds of a mythical cross between a Pinor Noir and a Cotes-du-Rhone. Pleasant and fun, bistro red." -Kysela Pere Et Fils, Ltd., Importer and Distributor

My Review: A very wonderful berry and cherry smell-a sugary fruit smell which I thought was delightful! A hint of something like copper was in the background of the nose, though which was interesting. Upon tasting the wine, it was also very different from the aromas I gathered. It had a peppery taste without any of the berry notes I had smelled in the wine. It wasn't bad and I probably wouldn't mind this if I tried it with food.

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Les Clos Francs Vouvray

Name: Les Clos Francs
Variety: Chenin Blanc
Region: Vouvray, Loire Valley
Country: France
Year: 2013
Price: Regular- $21 Sale-$7.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "The cool climate in the Vouvray appellation area insures good acidity, which is balanced by the distinctly fruity character of the Chenin Blan and the mineral qualities imparted by the soil. Thanks to these natural elements, the half-dry Vouvray combines elegance and vigor with sweetness and an inherent freshness." - Kysela Pere Et Fil, Ltd., Distributor and Importer

My Review: If I could take the aroma of the wine and put it in a candle I would. The smell was very tropical with hints of guava and papaya and maybe some floral hints as well. I went to taste it and was slightly disappointed because the smell was so amazing. I loved that it actually wasn't too acidic, but the difference between the smell and the taste was high. It wasn't bad, but I think I set my expectations very high after catching that aroma. The taste was something like banana, so it was pleasant enough. I found myself craving something like pizza to go with this, as strange as that sounds. I may go back and grab a bottle of this as I found it so interesting!

I tasted this wine at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Vicar La Lejania Chardonnay

Name: Vicar La Lejania
Variety: Chardonnay
Region: Central Valley (Maule Valley)
Country: Chile
Year: 2015
Price: Regular-$10 Sale-$6.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: 

My Review: I'll be honest here, when I tasted this my mind automatically thought "haven't I tasted this before?" The nose was like freshly cleaned plastic, pineapple, and pear, light and clean. It smelled just like La Lejania's Sauvignon Blanc. Which is interesting, because it's a completely different variety, it just happened to come from the same wine-maker. So I learned something there: the techniques used to make these wines sometimes show more similarity than just the grape variety. The taste was sweet, light, and fruity with an almost chemically sour-tangy aftertaste. Not my favorite and I really don't think it's all too special, but I don't hate it at all (I don't think I've found a wine I've "hated" yet though).

I tasted this wine at Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tasting - Yellow Tail Red Moscato

Name: Yellow Tail
Variety: Red Moscato Bubbles
Region: Casella
Country: Australia
Year: Non-Vintage
Price: Regular-$10 Sale-$5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "The rosiness of red, the sweetness of Moscato, and the sparkle of bubbles. With a gorgeous soft red hue, it's fresh, spritzy, and crackling with vitality. Each sip is bursting with vibrant strawberry and raspberry flavours and hints of other forest fruits. The berry flavours are enhanced by millions of fine, dancing bubbles. This is a refreshing and soft wine with a fine and crisp finish.

My Review: Well it smells like straight sparkling grape juice. I always have a hard time comparing sparkling wines and Moscato to all other wines because they're so different. It's like a mixture of soda and sugar and alcohol. Not that that's a bad thing. This sparkling red Moscato in particular was pretty good. It tasted very fruity and bubbly and sweet, kind of like those sparkling grape juices. Very heavy grape taste, like a sour grape candy, but this was actually a bit more dry than I expected which is an interesting twist. I'd definitely try this one again-it's very fun!

This tasting was made at Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Beringer Smooth Red Blend

Name: Beringer Founder's Estate
Variety: Smooth Red Blend (Syrah, Carbet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Petite Sirah)
Region: Napa, California
Country: United States
Year: 2012
Price: Regular- $15 Sale- $5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "A blend of Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Petite Sirah. Without a doubt, very smooth and uniquely balanced. Not too dry but not too sweet. Has a foundation of raspberry and blackberry that lingers in the finish. A slight hint at vanilla and some spice when it touches your tongue." - Vintage Cellar

My Review: Coming to smell this one I had a vision of a peppery nose, but it was far from it-so far it actually drew me back a bit. It smelled like a straight fruit bowl, but more specifically maybe something like apples and bananas. It was pretty heavy on the nose and the feel was very acidic on the tip of the tongue with a tannic aftertaste. The taste itself was actually a very distinct cranberry flavor. This was a clear Thanksgiving dinner wine. Pretty enjoyable for an occasion like that!

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Yellow Tail Cabernet/Merlot

Name: Yellow Tail
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot Blend
Region: Casella
Country: Australia
Year: 2014
Price: Regular- $15 Sale- $4.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Bursting with ripe blackberry fruit. Bold flavors from the Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot create a perfect blend of fruit with a hint of spice." -Yellow Tail

My Review: I'm so sad the description didn't key in on the first thing I smelled in this wine: chocolate! A very decadent, rich chocolate covered cherry vibe hit me first and foremost. We were so sure that this wine would make the perfect pair for some sort of chocolate cake or something. When I tasted it, the flavors were a bit tannic and dry, but not too bitter or anything. The only thing that really left me hanging with this wine was the heavy cherry aftertaste. Like, a lot of cherry. I don't like cherries that much, so I'll leave it at that personally. If I knew someone who liked cherries and were looking for a good red wine I'd definitely hook them up with this blend, but I don't think I could drink it again, personally.

This tasting was done at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Be. Bright Pinot Grigio

Name: Be. Bright
Variety: Pinot Grigio
Region: Napa, California
Country: United States
Year: 2013
Price: Regular- $10 Sale- $5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Snagging the spotlight is simply effortless with this Pinot Grigio that breezes in with its sun-ripened fruit flavors, shines with carefree cues of the tropics, and finishes with an exquisite ending that welcomes you to your place in the sun" - Be. Winery

My Review: The nose of this wine was not as sweet or punchy as the Sauvignon Blanc. The overpowering aromas consisted of sweet grapes and apples. Upon tasting this wine, I was actually surprised at the lack of acidity. I liked that a lot about this wine. It was a bit more heavy and had a wonderful tropical fruit, possibly guava, taste. And of course, I just love Pinot Grigio so much I had to buy myself a bottle of this one!

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Dynamite Sauvignon Blanc

Name: Dynamite
Variety: Sauvignon Blanc
Region: Lake County, California
Country: United States
Year: 2012
Price: Regular-$13.00 Sale-$5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Beautifully balanced, our 2012 Sauvignon Blanc opens with lofty tropical fruit aromas, combining passion fruit, guava, and pineapple. A small amount of Muscat leaves a lovely floral imprint on the nose. The palate is lush and round, escorting bright varietal flavors with a supple texture. Citrus picks up on the palate, punctuating the finish with vibrant lime zest and a mouthwatering acidity that begs another sip." - Dynamite Vineyards

My Review: The first flavor that hit my nose was just sweet. The only word I could use to describe it was straight sugar. Seeing that I have a crazy sweet tooth, that isn't such a bad thing for me, but it lacked depth with the smell. I could possibly see the tropical fruit nose mentioned by the winery. The taste was cutting and acidic at first with a bit of a citrus mid-palate. It left me with a bit of heat and I could taste the alcohol afterward. The review sounds bad, but I didn't hate the wine at all! My friend with me who isn't a huge wine drinker actually bought a bottle to take home with her.

This tasting was done at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tasting - Night Harvest Chardonnay


The Butterfly Kiss Moscato, which was the 5th wine in the lineup for tastings at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia was sold out by the time I could get to the store to do the tastings. I heard it was delicious and hope to try it when they bring it in next time! Until then, here is a tasting of my own from a Kroger selection guided by a stranger who was standing behind me telling me which one was her favorite.

Name: Night Harvest Chardonnay
Variety: Chardonnay
Region: Acampo, California
Country: United States
Year: 2012
Price: Regular-$11.00 Sale-$4.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "This Night Harvest Chardonnay is meant to be light and refreshing enough to drink on its own, yet have enough roundness and body to be paired with meats, cheese sauces, cheeses, white meat, and heartier fare. This Chardonnay is tropical with aromas of pineapple and guava, yet has a touch of light honeysuckle, vanilla, and toasted oak, which adds sweetness to the bouquet of the wine. On the palate, this wine is rich in texture and perfectly balanced. The bright acidity contributes to citrus nuances and the richness of the wine is accentuated by hints of vanilla cream and lightly toasted oak." -Night Harvest Winery

My Review: The nose of this wine was citrusy with a hint of refreshing pear in it. Very light and floral as if it's the first day of spring and the flowers are beginning to bloom. Smells of morning dew come out as well. The taste is a bit sharp and acidic at fist, but then turns warm, buttery, and a bit oak-like in mid-palate (although not as toasted tasting as the Rosemount Estate Chardonnay in one of my previous blog posts). It is rich in texture, but then leaves with a grapefruit-like aftertaste. Really enjoyed it for the price and would probably purchase again if I see it on sale again.

This wine was tasted at my house, with both alone and with a banana nut muffin. The wine seriously brought out the banana taste in the muffin, It actually surprised me in the best way possible!

Tasting - Purple Paws Zinfandel

Name: Purple Paws Zinfandel
Variety: Zinfandel
Region: Lodi, California
Country: United States
Year: 2012
Price: Regular-$15 Sale-$7.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Our 2012 Lodi Zinfandel exhibits hints of cherry on the front of your palate and vanilla on the finish that will have you begging for more. Like most zinfandels it pairs well with good friends and barbecue." -Purple Paws Winery

My Review: A very interesting wine quite different from the last red, but this is my first zinfandel so I don't have much to compare it to. This particular wine had a nose that brought back memories of summertime: a clean pool, light grass, and an image of children running around in a backyard. A very clean aroma. With the first taste it hit heavy, but eased up and felt very light very fast. The taste was an interesting mix of cherry and charcoal smoke. I'm not sure if I would buy this and like it on its own, but picturing drinking this while having barbecue to eat with actually makes this wine sound absolutely perfect.
This wine was tasted at Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Purple Paws Cabernet Sauvignon Non Vintage

Name: Purple Paws Cabernet Sauvignon
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Region: Lodi, California
Country: United States
Year: Non-Vintage
Price: Regular-$15 Sale-$7.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Our Lodi Cabernet has all the classic notes of a California Cabernet Sauvignon. Cloves, olives, and oak with a no nonsense, fruit forward finish remind you why this, the heaviest wine in the Purple Paws line, lends itself to pairings of robust steaks or lamb." -Purple Paws Winery

My Review: Received a black berry and black cherry nose with a hint of plum. It was a very enjoyable red wine, but definitely was meant to be tasted with food. It had a bit of a tannic hit at first taste and then settled into heavy flavors of spices (probably that clove!) and some floral notes. I would like to try this again, but with food next time.
I tasted this wine at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - Rosemount Estate Chardonnay

Name: Rosemount Estate Diamond Label
Variety: Chardonnay
Region: South Eastern Australia
Country: Australia
Year: 2013
Price: Regular- $10 Sale-$5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "This wine has a peachy scent and smooth texture; it's a little perfumey for us, but far from the worst Chardonnay you can get for under ten bucks at your local liquor store. It tastes as if the peach puree has already been added, so put this to use in your fruit-filled sangria." -SeriousEats

My Review: I wouldn't necessarily agree with SeriousEats on the fact that it tasted like peach puree was added in there or anything of that sort. This wine intrigued me a bit because it was the first time I had really tasted something may different then what I had smelled. The nose was light and I was hit with orchard type fruit smells such as sweet pear and apple. When I tasted the wine I actually received the toasted oak barrel as well as the caramelized taste. This was not too acidic and was rich and buttery. I thoroughly enjoyed this wine and would call it my favorite from the night's tastings. (I even bought a bottle for my roommate's 22nd birthday!)

This wine was tasted at the Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.

Tasting - La Lejania Sauvignon Blanc

Name: La Lejania Sauvignon Blanc
Variety: 100% Sauvignon Blanc
Region: Central Valley (Valle de Maule)
Country: Chile
Year: 2015
Price: Regular- $10 Sale- $6.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review: "Notes of Citrus, grapefruit, mandarin orange and asparagus. Fresh and clean ... drinking tremendous right now! -Wine Library

My Review: The nose came across as both clean and sharp with a mixture of pineapple, a plastic table that has just been cleaned, and a slight floral aroma. The feel was a bit sharp and acidic at first, then opened up to a heavier citrus flavor. It was not too dry, and definitely enjoyable as a refreshing table wine. I could see myself drinking this wine again, as it was decent, but I probably wouldn't find myself out searching for it in order to purchase it.
This wine was tasted at Vintage Cellar in Blacksburg, Virginia without food.