Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Connoisseur-In-Training

This post title is completely misleading. I must admit that my established knowledge of the wine world is very little. Although being a connoisseur seems like a lofty goal, maybe after this class I can achieve a percentage of that goal or at the very least actually be able to pick out wine, drink it properly, and truly appreciate it for what it's worth!

My current status? Well, let's just say that the cute labels influence me more than anything else. I just turned 21 in August and my parents never drank wine-so I'm starting from scratch, here. I know what tastes good if I drink it (usually while doing work or watching a movie), but I've never fully "experienced" a wine like so many others have. With food pairings. With cheeses. Airing it out correctly. That sort of stuff. I must say, I do love how it tastes in general though, and am excited to get started on my journal to gain the full experience!

I have been to one wine shop and have gone on one wine tasting, both overwhelming experiences, but both interesting, piquing my interest to explore the world of wine further. The tasting was in a local area for a festival (near Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia) and had a lot of varieties of wine from all over Virginia come to showcase and sell their wines. What I can recall so far is that I haven't found too many that I hate, but of course I have loved some wines more than others. I even got to try an interesting hot pepper wine. Weird. Each wine truly has a unique taste and usually a Pinot Grigio has never done me wrong, but I'm very happy to expand the palate and try new things.

Hoorah for new experiences! Let's do this!